Thursday, April 10, 2008

big trouble

i recently rekindled my love for 'big trouble in little china.' it's rampant unabashed racism is countered by the fact that kurt russell and kim catrell play the dumb white assholes that get entangled in a pickle that's far out of their caucasian league. chinese mysticism and sorcery aside, the movie is a guilty pleasure. all the way.

watch the following clip. the maniacal giggle/ thumb twiddle phantom warrior move by lo pan is easily one of the most genius moments in 80s cinematic history.


Anonymous said...

"Dumb white assholes" so so politically incorrect. You might as well call them crackers or honkeys.

The correct term (per Countdown, yesterday) is 'Typical White People'.

I got in trouble for purchasing that movie, BTW.

It's such a guilty pleasure, though, like 'They Live'.

eruditemess said...

s'ok. i can be a dumb white asshole. it's his lame impression of john wayne and her winsome yet meddlesome curiosity that makes me say that. not that john wayne was a dumb white asshole. he was just a badass.