Tuesday, August 23, 2005

holy crip! it's a crapple

i'm turning into a gym rat. a filthy, sweaty gym rat...
and now i'm paying for it.
for the past five months, i've been on an on-again-off-again exercise craze. i've been taking lots of cardio dance-type classes, which is humorous, at best. i live on south beach, where everyone is a bloody model. they don't hold actual jobs, but spend hours between getting manicured-waxed-tanned to velvet rope perfection.
i am the fat girl at the gym.
i went back to weights this weekend and decided to attack my legs.
silly me. now i can't walk. i'm hobbling like a sad old lady, groaning every time i sit down or stand up. mind you, that was on saturday. i'm bloody miserable.
something of more substance shall follow soon, once i get over the agonizing pain.

1 comment:

gaba said...

I LOVE workout pain. A little. Keep at it and you'll become (like me)one of those ridiculous people who feels like they haven't achieved anything on any given week unless they're living a world of constant but stretchy pain.