Monday, August 27, 2007

my first new york summer

it's nearly drawing to a balmy end. after 3 steady months in the city, i feel like i'm starting to get comfortable.
in my job. in my shoes. in my new home.
not that it's a home quite yet.
a general contractor has been working on the basement i'm supposed to inhabit since june. for now, i'm still on the couch. it's glorious, really.
especially when the heavy evenings require me to stretch out in various states of undress before my unsuspecting roommates who have become all too accustomed to the shadow of a nipple too oft peeking over the edge of the blanket as i grumble in early morning half-stupor.
saturday started with a quick visit to the farmer's market to pick up a few pounds of brandywine tomatoes (that have now become my new obsession. i could eat brandywines, mozzarella, & basil every day until i die. and broccoli. but that's another story). afterwards, i helped my friend (and roommate carmine's gal) move into out apartment. i spent the day sweating and playing box tetris as i tried to maneuver her items into the space before our OTHER roommate moves out. carm & lulu rewarded my herculean efforts with the best cheeseburger i've ever had (bonnie's grill on 5th ave in park slope. AND they serve magic hat). we then proceeded to royale. i drank a few blueberry pale ales before getting in a cab to nurse my throbbing (... not head...) biceps.
sunday= brunch at olea in fort greene (which was a beautifully piquant bloody mary and cilantro scramble with olives & zucchini). then, we ran off to singsing, where i discovered that i do a brilliant shirley manson. we spent 2.5 hours (and ended with one verse of "only in my dreams" by debbie gibson. chosen randomly. i'm serious). later, brandywines & "a clockwork orange." 
this summer dribbles down my chin in sweet, seedy goodness. and this time, i don't mind the stains.

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