Thursday, August 11, 2005

100thing, part deux

51. my first kiss occurred in the back of a bus on a gifted trip to seacamp
52. my first shakespeare played was petruchio (3rd grade)
53. then mercutio (4th grade)
54. then juliet (5th grade)
55. then, well, too many to remember. but they were all female after that.
56. i had chicken pox on my 5th birthday & my party at pirates was cancelled.
57. i've never broken a bone.
58. i start every morning in front of my ibook, smoking a clove.
59. i once harboured grand fantasies of taking a cross-country road trip & writing the next great american novel.
60. that, of course, was when i was 17 and obsessed with beat lit...
61. and was extremely maladjusted.
62. i also wanted to open a coffee shop that had a black box theater & art gallery in order to start my own artists' community
63. that is a lofty goal i have not yet abandoned.
64. i was eerily intrigued by vampires as a little girl
65. and thought that if i bathed my neck in cold water (to constrict the veins) & tied a red ribbon around my throat, that they would think i was "one of them" & wouldn't attack me while i slept.
66. that says a lot about my brief courtship with the goth scene.
67. my mum once gave me the nickname 'tish' (morticia) because of my all-black wardrobe
68. and i called myself that for the better part of my sophomore year.
69. my favourite trip ever was to venice.
70. i long to go to china, morocco, india, turkey...
71. my stepfather is my best friend in the universe
72. and all my friends adore him.
73. i become infatuated very easily
74. and am hyper-sensitive.
75. boys rarely approached me
76. my friends would insist that it was because i was "intimidating"
77. i always thought it was because i have no mystery, no magnetism.
78. i've had recurrent dreams about my ex for the past four years.
79. i suffer from a horrendous case of writers block
80. and never think my work is decent.
81. the best part of my day is waking up next to m., with czarina curled up by my side.
82. i'm obsessed with her. she's a damn great cat.
83. i love entertaining & host legendary barbecues.
84. i'm a pisces
85. the few things i always have in my fridge are limes, fresh ginger, orange vitamin water, green apples, and a bottle of thai sesame lime dressing.
86. i frequently drink shiraz.
87. i got into a number of great schools when i applied to college (sarah lawrence, university of chicago, smu for theatre, etc)
88. but wound up at fsu at first & hated it. i left after my first year & bounced around, changing majors.
89. i still have one bloody linguistics class to finish my english degree.
90. i'm deathly afraid of snakes.
91. i listen to more music that was released 10 years ago than recent releases.
92. i used to go skiing in the french alps every year
93. but was terrible at it.
94. i hate tv
95. but love seinfeld, six feet under, the simpsons, family guy, and the naked chef.
96. i have the humor of a 12 year old boy
97. and still play video games.
98. i tutor (and love it)
99. and read the dictionary to find new words while i'm working.
100. i smile when my students call me "miss erica." it reminds me of how i called my dance teacher "miss deborah."


Anonymous said...

Fuckin' A! A hundred things I didn't know about you. And i m a the one supposed to know all your secrets. Shit, I'm clueless and concerned about them dreams.
See you later, we should talk about america or the weather.
Way to go Ronny!

jiji said...

Ditto! i never all these things! And i totally forgot about Pirates!!!! Nothing else compares to miami birtdhay parties!