Sunday, April 20, 2008

50 more

there's an open submission invitation from a site called common ties where artists and writers are asked to answer questions in 50 words or less, perhaps adding artwork or illustration.
while i've tacked a few of the questions, i'm still workin' on the artwork.

3. Where is your favorite place in the world, and why?
The garden behind a Victorian house in North London. Where children’s voice peal in happy laughter, the barbeques last until midnight every summer and the grass is cool beneath my nomad’s feet.

4. What's the one thing your parents don't understand about you?
How a bucolic childhood, woven liberally with golden threads of privilege, could breed such quiet malaise.

16. If you could take back one thing you have done, what would it be?
Conditioning myself with steely focus to artlessly critique myself with a scientist's cold precision.

17. What is your greatest talent or accomplishment?
Not only having the gift of complete mutability, but imbuing each swift shift with the same fervent passion that the last was granted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

666. Have you ever had an experience that convinced you that 'the supernatural' is real?